Fall in love with the process over outcomes
If you are like me and many other creatives, you have many interests and want to do many things. You’
Being a generalist helps you find the right career choice
Being a self-taught designer has been something that made me unconfident.
I hated how I never specialized in anything in
You can improve anything with 30 min a day for 30 days
🌱 The Seinfeld strategy — Don’t break the chain encourages us to use a big calendar that has a whole year
Systems vs Goals
I’m always failed at exercising regularly. It usually starts with passion, the first week is awesome and motivated. But the next week, it becomes less and less.
2024‘s Thoughts
✦ February
The day I become a better designer
The day I become a better design is the day I start writing.
2024‘s Thoughts
✦ February
Generalist vs Specialist
When you hire a person to solve a problem. Do you want to hire a person who knows many things or a person who great dept in one thing?
2023‘s Thoughts
✦ October
Imposter syndrome is real
It happens to many people. Many people are facing it too.
2023‘s Thoughts
✦ January
🌱 Building a product isn't about whether it can be built
But about if people need it.
Learning to code might be wise. I think everyone should learn to code nowadays.
2023‘s Thoughts
✦ January
Powerful life hacks for career, health, and relationship
Sahil Bloom is my greatest resource for learning. His newsletter and Twitter content always give me new and powerful lessons.
2022‘s Thoughts
✦ November
Learn in public
The fear of being judged leads us to learn and think privately. But teaching people is the best way to
2022‘s Thoughts
✦ November
Find a way to raise your voice
Today I have a tough conversation with my head of product design. Yes, it’s about the performance review.
2021‘s Thoughts
✦ November
Essential skills for product designers
For designers, only good design skill doesn’t guarantee success. We need more skills to be better and succeed in your career.
2021‘s Thoughts
✦ November
Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success
I’m reading ‘How to fail at almost everything and still win big’ by Scott Adam. There's one idea that enlightens me and I think everyone should know about it.
2020‘s Thoughts
✦ September
To be a good designer
One of the biggest lessons I learned this year is the power of confidence, for a designer.