🍓 Keep track of any habit inside your Obsidian
Do you know that you can create your own 🌱 The Seinfeld strategy — Don’t break the chain inside Obsidian to keep track of any habit?
I found a way to do it. It's surprisingly simple.
It looks like this:

Writing 🌱 Evergreen notes is a habit I want to stick with.
I also resonate with the idea that 🌱 The new success metric for a knowledge worker is the number of evergreen notes written per day from Andy Matuschak.
I'm practicing writing evergreen notes every day. And I need a way to track the number of evergreen notes I write daily.
If you read a recent email newsletter from Sahil Bloom on 30 for 30 challenge ↗, you should implement it.
The rule is simple: don't break the chain.
I want to do it. I want to improve my writing with evergreen notes. But not only in 30 days but also for the whole year.
I use Obsidian every day and for almost anything now. So I want to keep track of it in my Obsidian. Seeing progress daily motivates me.
I explored the community to see how people do it.
I thought to use the Calendar plugin to track it. But I used it for my 🌱 Morning page every day. It's important to me, and I can't drop it.
I explored a new plugin called Projects. But I don't use frontmatter much, and my note structure is very basic, with only tags and text. So it doesn't work for me.
I tried Fantasy Calendar, but it's too complicated. I can't use it properly.
But ultimately, I found a simple solution in Obsidian: user query with a calendar. It's called Calendar Queries.
It's too simple to be true.
I used a simple query I create this view:

Each green dot is one evergreen note that I wrote. The query is simple like this:
CALENDAR file.ctime
FROM #note/🌱evergreen
It gets all files tagged #note/🌱evergreen
and shows in the calendar by created time.
In my case, I used #note/🌱evergreen
for all of my evergreen notes.
The default dot color is grey. I want to make it green by overwriting a CSS class (which doesn't affect the dots in the Calendar plugin)
.block-language-dataview .filled.svelte-1widvzq {
fill: #44CF6E !important;
That's all you need to do to have your own 🌱 The Seinfeld strategy — Don’t break the chain inside your Obsidian.
You can apply the same method to any other habit you want to improve. (If you use Obsidian for it).
The answer was in front of me, but I didn’t recognize it.
I spent too much time trying to find a way. But it’s a good time to spend.
I hope you find it useful.
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